Dream Interpretation for Kings
All dream interpretation is not equal. Since the beginning of our walk with Yehovah GOD in the early 80’s, He has been developing, sharpening, and perfecting this supernatural gift of dream interpretation. As a matter of fact, He has spoken expressly that He has given us a gifting similar to Joseph, John, and Daniel as it pertains to interpreting the kings’ dreams (Genesis 40, Daniel 1:17, 2:21-23, 5:12, the book of Revelation). As a king (i.e., five-fold leader), it is crucial that you have the highest level of dream interpretation available to you. This is what I believe Father has graced us with, and we desire to bless you with this supernatural gifting.
Father has used this gift to deliver leaders from spiritual wickedness in high places, reveal spiritual promotion, cleanse leaders’ hearts, and impart divine wisdom, instruction, and direction. The suggested donation for dream interpretation is $5.99. However, this is only a suggestion. We encourage you to seek Father concerning how you should materially bless since you’ll receive spiritual, hidden manna (1 Corinthians 9:1-9). Please know that your donation will be used to train, coach, build, and develop other leaders. Click here to make a donation beyond $5.99. As soon as you check out and/or the donation is received, a set of special instructions will be provided in the order receipt. Follow the instructions to submit the dream.
Please know we will devote time to seek Father concerning the interpretation of your dream since He is the only one that can provide interpretation (Genesis 40:8, Daniel 2:23). Then, the interpretation will be sent back to you in written format as soon as Father releases it. We strongly encourage you to print out the interpretation and obediently follow Father’s instruction in order to see the activation and manifestation of what He prophesied through the dream.
You may have heard the expression, “Some things are caught not taught.” While this may hold true in many spiritual instances, in the particular instance of dream interpretation, it is important to refine and sharpen the gift through proper training. Therefore, when you receive the interpretation to your dream, you will also receive some pointers to assist you in beginning to seek Holy Spirit for the interpretation. This resource is not intended to make leaders dependent on a particular vessel for dream interpretation. There is a measure of dream interpretation awaiting you. Begin the process of expansion while you receive the interpretation of your dream.
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